Sep 28, 2011


This week,My friend Tama-chan and me went to a Costco in Iruma city.

First, about Tama-chan...She was Fashion designer a few years ago and I like to hang out and
chatting with her:)I think she is adorable girl and sooo funny ,I look up to her so much.

Btw...It was first time to visit to a Costco for me...!
I knew about Costco and I've been wanting to go there so long time ago.
Finally the time is coming to visit to there:D

And at the time I was so lucky,becouse I also could get The Sing-a-ma-jigs!
In fact I don't prefer to have toy animals at all, but I was falling love their thick mouthes and deep voices.
sooo cute...hahaha!

                     One piece n Cardigan...H&M/Hat...CA4LA/Booty...Shining