Nov 14, 2011


After Alizona.we came up to Las Vegas:)It is twice to visit here, so I was excited a lot:)
Today was pretty hot and nice weather.
At the lunch we went to "Hush a house gogo"and ate fuge meals and was awesome!
If I have a chance to eat out again absolutely I gatta go there again...!I just thought:P
anyway I should have woren more cooler outfits at the day a tanktop and short denim pants...
I was so foolish,at the time I was wearing fuggy knit,haha....
But night time was ok...!Because there was a sudden drop in  temperature...
so my outfit was pretty working at the night;)
Then we just went to hookah bar and chilling and just relaxed with beer...:)
hopefully I was wishing that don't get a Hangover next morning ...! 

Top n Pants...XXI/Sunglasses...RayBan